Tuesday, April 14, 2009

CCM's Called to Live Abundantly

There comes a point in our life when it feels as though life has short changed us. We expected more from friends, family, significant others, careers, finances, religion and the list goes on. This is when we scramble to evaluate our past and present attitudes, behaviors, relationships, opportunities and even goals to find out if anything went wrong or if we missed something. It’s almost as if though something or someone is prompting us to take action on our life.

Personally, I have found this stage to be an almost unbearable struggle. There's a sense of lost time, of missed opportunities, an increased awareness of my own shortsightedness and character flaws are a dime a dozen. At the same time I’ve experience a rollercoaster of emotions. Guilt, anger, frustration, depression, anxiety, and yes even small moments of joy have given me the strongest indication that this can’t be all there is, there has to be more to life than this.

Well, this is where I just want to put in my two cents worth. I think some of that feeling has to do with where one is in life. I would even go as far as saying that there’s a natural maturing process that brings us to this realization or way of thinking. But what’s not part of the natural maturing process is what one decides to do with this state of mind. This is a matter of decision not a matter of what one feels or senses that moves us forward.

As usual, when I find myself in these situations it never fails that I come across others who have or are feeling the same way. In this case, two of my closest friends, a pastoral couple with years of devotion to God and the Christian faith; have expressed their desire to get more out of life as well. After a few conversations with them I discovered a valuable spiritual lesson. I discovered that this is the calling.

Yes, that’s right, the calling. You know, the idea you heard growing up that one day God would call you? Well that’s what I’m talking about. Did you expect something more glamorous or perhaps more miraculous? Well before you dismiss its apparent lack of supernatural luster; let me put it in the context of Scripture for you.

Do you remember when Jesus called his first disciples? There wasn’t any supernatural manifestation, no beaming light, no parting of the heavens, nothing! Just a simple invitation to follow him and get more out of life. Jesus knew that if they remained in the fishing business they would do well for themselves and their families but He wanted them to get more out of life than just what their livelihood could provide. He wanted them to provide the entire world with the livelihood of heaven! He said, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” The rest of the story is incredible. At the close of his gospel account John says that if all the things that Jesus ever did were to be written, he figures that even the world itself could'nt contain the books of his all his works. Now I don’t know of any fishing business, or any other business for that matter, that could compete with that!

Here is where I hope my two cents make up for the short changing you’ve felt; if you’re at the point where you want more out of life; that’s God calling you.

Bible references: Matthew 4:18-21, John 21:25

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